Kases for Kids
Often, when children enter the foster care system they leave a harmful, neglected environment, suddenly and without any possessions. In many instances their only possessions are carried away from home in a plastic trash bag. Kases for Kids is a program providing small suitcases, duffle bags, backpacks or
other small travel bags to these children. These bags are provided with age and gender specific toiletries, towels, stuffed animals, throw blankets, clothing and other items the recipients can call their own.
Kases for Kids collects and distributes suitcases, duffle bags, backpacks and similar carrying cases to foster children in the system. As we know our foster children don’t always have their own cases before entering or leaving the system. Most of the time they have to use plastic or trash bags in which they carry their personal items in.
Kases for Kids wants the children to know that these cases are their belongings when they leave the foster home to return home or into a permanent placement. Items needed: Suitcases, backpacks and other travel bags for children along with small toiletry items, such as those from hotels (shampoo, soap, etc.).

For questions concerning this project or to donate new items to be used in this project, please contact:
Kases for Kids District Chair
Lion Liz Packenham
"All that we love deeply becomes a part of us"
-Helen Keller