Leadership opportunities for Youth:
Leadership opportunities also abound for young people aged 11-18. One is available to all in this age bracket and the other is available to what are known as Alpha Leos. Leos are a project of a Lions Club, performing service activities on their own or in support of their sponsoring Lions Club.
Youth Leadership Institute
Youth Leadership Institute
Y.L.I. is open to all youth, not having the requirement of being a Leo. At the present, there are 2 Youth Leadership Institutes, one in the South and the other in the Central Valley area, but with plans in the works for a more Northern based Institute. The California Lions Clubs Youth Outreach Committee in conjunction with the Leadership Team Committee, coordinate to run the training, providing learning opportunities, with topics including diabetes, communication and making your personal mission statement offered at the recent Institute at Camp Teresita Pines (near Palmdale) as well as team building activities, with participants experiencing having fun while working together. Please keep an eye on the MD-4 website for registration forms to attend a Youth Leadership Institute.
USA/Canada Leo Leadership Forum
This forum provides learning opportunities as well as opportunities to explore the surrounding area, with attendees at the 2nd annual conference held in New York, being able to attend Lions Day at the United Nations. For more information, please explore their website at: www.usallf.org/forum/ for more information.